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Xecutive Drive Trucking Solutions


Delivering complete business solutions for freight & logistic companies.

Savers Kit
Motor Carrier
& DOT Number

(For Brokers & Carriers)

Start-Up Package
Full Start-up

Do You Need Help With Your Transportation Company?

You’re In The Right Place!

We specialize in starting transportation, freight broker, and dispatching companies. Anywhere from ground up or restructuring existing businesses, anywhere within the United States. Our goal is to ensure your company successfully operates under FMSCA guidelines and meets DOT requirements.

Discover the Best Service For You.


These services are designed for 

Truck Drivers / Owner Operators
Also Known As Carriers
Freight Brokers

Why choose us?

Here’s why Xecutive Drive will be your best choice for trucking services:

  • Experienced: We know the transportation industry is booming - many are interested and ready to jump into to the industry but aren't familiar with it. We have specialists who are experts in the transportation industry who are here to share our knowledge through our trucking services clients.

  • Regular updates: We are a professional team always at your service. We will keep you updated throughout the process, so that you know the status of your service at any given time.

  • No compromise on quality: The trucking services we arrange for our clients are of the highest quality. When we say quality is our non-negotiable, we really mean it.

  • Cost-effective: The initial and maintenance costs for trucking servcies can be a huge burden, and we’re here to help you solve that problem. Our services are exceptional and help reduce unnecessary costs.

  • Will your company handle Sending W-4 & I-9 forms to my employees?
    Yes. If you hiring new employees Xecutive drive will send each new employee a W-4 and I-9 to manage the new hire process for our clients. Our team makes it easy to just manage and over see the process.
  • Do I have to provide employees with their W2's at the end of the year?
    No. W2's are automatically sent to all of our clients employees electronically via email and USPS mail.
  • What is the difference between W2 and 1099 workers?
    The main difference is that W2 is a payroll employee and 1099 is a non-payroll worker also known as subcontractors. Employers must file 941's, 940's, W3's and W4's for W2 employees and ensure taxes are removed from paychecks. On the other hand employers must file a 1096 for 1099 workers and are not required to pay employer taxes. 1099 workers may be an individual or business.
  • What state do you offer payroll services for?
    Xecutive Drive has payroll clients across the United States and offers payroll services to all states in the United States. Our payroll experts have knowledge and experience processing payroll in mutliple states.
  • If hired, how long does it take for you to start running payroll for my company?"
    The onboarding process will begin within 1 - 3 business days after hiring Xecutive Drive for payroll services. A payroll specialist will be assigned and your specialist will begin collecting your employee data.

Learn More About Our Services!



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